This two-week textile screen-printing workshop saw participants translate community icons, such as the drive-in cinema and railway museum onto silk-screens ready for production printing. Facilitated by textile artist, Kasia Tons and Ku Arts Arts Development Officer, Mel Henderson the workshop achieved high-level outcomes where artists designed, printed and packaged over 100 products that are now for sale at the Transcontinental Hotel (Oodnadatta Pub). All proceeds from sales return to the Dunjiba Women’s Shed to fund future activities.
The textile workshop was supported by Government of South Australia. Department of Premier and Cabinet.
Dunjiba Designs, an enterprise of the Dunjiba Community Council, is the proposed arts and culture activity to operate from the Oodnadatta Women’s Shed. The Dunijba Designs project supported by Ku Art seeks to create a social enterprise business model that will provide employment, skills and an income to local artists.