nyapari - kalka, APY LANDS

Tjungu Palya Arts Centre in Nyapari& Ninuku Art Centre in Kalka

july 2023

In partnership with Tjungu Palya Arts & Ninuku Arts, Ku Arts hosted a 4-day program of cultural activities with the ambition to reconnect young and older Anangu to culturally significant places.

The Wellbeing SA grant provided support for travel to homelands and other sites of cultural significance around the remote communities of Nyapari, Kanpi & Pipalyatjara, located on the APY Lands. In an effort to reconnect young and older Anangu to culturally significant places, the trips on-Country were led by Elders and senior members of the community. This trip provided precious time together, which provided a valuable connection to the country while allowing for transfer of knowledge to younger generations who will one day be the future Elders.

This program has been funded by the Strengthening Our Culture Community Grants Program, which is delivered by Preventive Health SA, Aboriginal Heath Promotion team.

Ku Arts